PALL Filtration


MDG s..r.l. is exclusive distributor of PALL water filters. PALL Italia S.r.l. is an american company leader in filtration.
Thanks to the network of technical assistance, MDG is able to provide not only the first installation, but also the regular replacement of filters.
The brand new QPOINT filters for up to 62 day use delivers exceptional particulate trapping capacity with good flow rates, enabling long performance life.
Filters are designed for shower, tap, birth tub, in-line filter, up to the study of filtration systems capable to mangage the entire civil and healtcare and facilities.
Quick connect adaptors ara available for any kind of water outlets.

PALL FILTRATION only for italian market.

© Copyright MEDICAL DEVICES GROUP SRL | VIA G.FRACASTORO N.1 - 48124 RAVENNA | P.Iva: 02297980399 - REA: 189313 - Cap. Soc. € 60.000 | Credits